Sie sind hier: ENGLISH VERSION Team


Date of Birth: 27.03.1979

Position: Athlete and Team Manager

Sports: Inlineslalom and Nordic Blading

Best results and titels: Rank 3 German Championship 2003; Rank 1 DSV Inline-Cup 2003 Spiegelberg.

Skate: 5-wheel frame

Job: Stewardess

Marital status: single

What I like: Fruit cake with wip cream, red and blue slalom poles

Email an Tini

What I don´t like: Rain, because of slippery and wet roads

Hobbies: Snowboarding, riding my motorbike, youth work and sports

Idols: I´m strickly against any idols because you can´t develope your individuality if you follow one.

Motto of life: It´s better to regret what you´ve done, than regret never have done something

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